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1. Cactaceous genera
 Browse the folders using the menu on the left. WARNING - To better understand the plant database files, each of them devoted to a single genus, you are advised to read this ...
2. Sowing
... and the second one the sowing order). Write the cipher with a water-based marker on the side of the pot as well. Make sure the tray is perfectly level and the seeds are not disturbed. If your packet contains ...
3. The greenhouse
... x 100 cm. The base, made up of 20 cm-high/ 50 to 100 cm-long hollow flat tiles, will be laid all along the perimeter of the greenhouse, except below the door frame, where its height should not exceed ...
4. acanthocalycium
(Phocagallery / acanthocalycium)
Habitat: Argentina. Description: a genus of globular or cylindrical cacti. The flowers have a scaly tube and are borne at the top. Soil: basic mix. Location: full sun and plenty of air circulation. ...
5. agavaceae-nolinaceae
(Phocagallery / agavaceae-nolinaceae)
Habitat: tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, particularly Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia; the Mediterranean. Description: a family ...
6. apocynaceae
(Phocagallery / apocynaceae)
Habitat: those genera including succulents are distributed in the tropics, the Horn of Africa, Madagascar, Socotra, East and South-West Africa. Description: this large family of dicotyledonous plants ...
7. araliaceae
(Phocagallery / araliaceae)
Habitat: found across tropical areas of both hemispheres, concentrated mainly in Malaysia and tropical America. Description: a family of succulents, mostly climbing, some resembling lianas, with alternate ...
8. asphodelaceae-hyacinthaceae
(Phocagallery / asphodelaceae-hyacinthaceae)
Habitat: South Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Australia, America, Arabian Peninsula, Socotra. Description: a family of monocotyledonous plants comprising about 500 species, mostly herbaceous perennials, ...
9. asteraceae (compositae)
(Phocagallery / asteraceae)
Habitat: the succulent species occur in South Africa, the Canary Islands, South Arabia, India, Madagascar. Description: the family includes dicotyledonous plants that may store water in the leaves, ...
10. aylostera
(Phocagallery / aylostera)
Habitat: mountainous regions of South America, particularly in Bolivia and Argentina. Description: globular cacti with tubercles arranged in spirals; they tend to sucker. Young as well as adult plants ...
11. blossfeldia
(Phocagallery / blossfeldia)
Habitat: Northern Argentina, Bolivia. Description: a dwarf genus with short ribless stems, spiny tubercles, beetroot-like roots. Flowers are borne from April to September. In the wild they grow in fissures ...
12. bombacaceae
(Phocagallery / bombacaceae)
Habitat: tropical sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Asia, some islands across the Indian Ocean, Australia, America. Description: Dicotyledonous plants that grow into large trees with tender wood and often ...
13. borzicactus
(Phocagallery / borzicactus)
Habitat: mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Equador and Chile. Description: a very diverse genus of cacti, often with a shrub-like habit and upright or sprawling stems. Some plants grow in foggy deserts at ...
14. browningia
(Phocagallery / browningia)
Habitat: Peru. Description: columnar habit; some are more branched and tree-like in appearance. Soil: basic mix. Location: grow in full sun. Temperature: minimum temperature between 8 and 10°C ...
15. burseraceae
(Phocagallery / burseraceae)
Habitat: the Tropics. Description: this group embraces dicotyledonous, deciduous plants that grow into shrubs or trees; they are related to the Rutaceae and produce resins and oils. The leaves are alternate ...
16. carnegiea
(Phocagallery / carnegiea)
Habitat: Arizona, southwestern California, State of Sonora (Mexico). Description: a genus of gigantic columnar cacti that may reach 15 metres (50 ft) in height. Very long-lived, they’re commonly ...
17. caudiciforms
(Phocagallery / caudiciformi)
... not a family but a grouping comprising plants from approximately forty families with the common feature of having a swollen stem or stem base (caudex) that can grow below the ground like a tuber and functions ...
18. cephalocereus
(Phocagallery / cephalocereus)
Habitat: Central and South America, particularly Brazil. Description: a columnar ribbed cactus with spiny areoles bearing flowers near the top when the plant is mature, usually after several years. It ...
19. cereus
(Phocagallery / cereus)
Habitat: Central and South America, West Indies. Description: the genus is comprised of very tall, woolly, spiny cacti; they show a columnar habit and a tendency to develop lateral branches. Adult specimens ...
20. cintia
(Phocagallery / cintia)
Habitat: Bolivia. Description: a dwarf genus of green, tap-rooted cacti with yellow flowers resembling those of Copiapoa. In the wild it grows at high altitudes with extreme diurnal temperature variations. ...
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