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21. lophophora
(Phocagallery / lophophora)
Habitat: Texas, south-east of United States, Mexico. Description: they have a globular, green, spineless stem with a fleshy taproot resembling a beetroot. Some species produce offsets from the base. ...
22. moraceae
(Phocagallery / moraceae)
Habitat: Arabia, temperate and tropical areas. Description: dicotyledonous shrubs or trees containing latex. The leaves are alternate with caducous stipules. Monosexual flowers are borne in cymes during ...
23. neoporteria
(Phocagallery / neoporteria)
Habitat: southern Peru, Argentinean and Chilean Andes. Description: a genus of small globular cacti living at great elevations on the Andean ranges; the large, often bicoloured flowers are borne near ...
24. obregonia
(Phocagallery / obregonia)
Habitat: northwestern Mexico. Description: the genus is related to Ariocarpus and Strombocactus; the plants have a big taproot, large triangular, rosette-like tubercles with areoles on their tip. The ...
25. oxalidaceae
(Phocagallery / oxalidaceae)
Habitat: South Africa, South America. Some species have become naturalized in Europe. Description: a family of herbaceous or shrub-like plants with a tuber that usually fold up their leaves at night ...
26. parodia
(Phocagallery / parodia)
Habitat: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay. Description: these beautiful small, spiny cacti with a cylindrical or globular stem can bloom just 2 or 3 years after sowing. The large, funnel-shaped ...
27. passifloraceae
(Phocagallery / passifloraceae)
Habitat: Kenia, Namibia, Asia. Description: a group of woody, evergreen, floriferous vines. The leaves are alternate, sometimes lobed. The fruit is a berry. They may have a spiny caudex. Soil: basic ...
28. pediocactus
(Phocagallery / pediocactus)
Habitat: California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Description: a genus of small plants living at high elevations with a globular or subglobular shape. The tubercles are pronounced and ...
29. pereskia
(Phocagallery / pereskia)
Habitat: tropical America. Description: a primitive genus of cactaceous plants forming shrubs with a prostrate or climbing habit; the leaves are oval and stalked, the areoles large with tufts of tough ...
30. portulacaceae
(Phocagallery / portulacaceae)
Tribes: PORTULACEAE, PORTULACARIEAE, LEWISIEAE, TALINEAE. Habitat: tropical and subtropical areas. Description: dicotyledonous, herbaceous plants that may be annual or perennial with an upright or ...
31. rubiaceae
(Phocagallery / rubiaceae)
Habitat: the Tropics. Description: a family of dicotyledonous plants, either woody or herbaceous, with sessile leaves and hermaphrodite flowers, usually arranged in panicles. The fruit is a capsule, ...
32. sterculiaceae
(Phocagallery / sterculiaceae)
Habitat: tropical belts. Description: this family of dicotyledonous plants is comprised of seventy genera or so; the plants have a shrubby or tree-like habit and bear leaves with stipules. The fruit ...
33. Succulents
(Phocagallery / Succulente)
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Since this website has already reached a considerable size, due to the many photo galleries and the development of different language versions, providing extensive information ...
34. thelocactus
(Phocagallery / thelocactus)
Habitat: deserts of Mexico and Texas. Description: this diverse genus, still lacking defined boundaries, comprises many different plants whose most evident common characteristic is the dense spination. ...
35. turbinicarpus
(Phocagallery / turbinicarpus)
Habitat: Mexico. Description: this dwarf, globular genus is found between 1500 and 1800 metres of altitude (4900-5900 ft) growing in stony or sandy areas with a slightly alkaline, moderately humus-rich ...
36. uebelmannia
(Phocagallery / uebelmannia)
Habitat: Brazil. Description: recently discovered beautiful, globular plants having green stems with several ribs and closely-spaced areoles. The flowers are yellow and diurnal and appear in the summer. ...
37. vitaceae
(Phocagallery / vitaceae)
Habitat: Africa and Madagascar. Description: these dicotyledonous plants can be sarmentose or climbers by means of tendrils, monoecious or dioecious. The leaves are alternate and deciduous. Small, pentamerous ...
38. welwitschiaceae
(Phocagallery / welwitschiaceae)
Habitat: foggy deserts of Angola and Namibia. Description: this creeping plant develops two long, ribbon-like leaves only; they tend to split with age since the tip becomes dry and dies while the leaf ...
39. wilcoxia
(Phocagallery / wilcoxia)
Habitat: central and southern Mexico. Description: a group of cacti having greenish, slender stems that show either climbing or upright and shrub-like habit. The roots may be tuberous and the spines ...
40. sterculiaceae: brachychiton foglie
(Phocagallery / brachychiton foglie)
brachychiton foglie ...
Monday, 02 February 2009

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