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Cactusinhabitat Interessante sito per la conoscenza dei cactus nel loro ambiente naturale a cura di Giovanna Anceschi & Alberto Magli.
537 |
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Acta-Succulenta Rivista internazionale in 3 lingue,solo online, scaricabile gratuitamente, dedicata alla succulente e piante xerofite nel loro habitat.
1143 |
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Au Cactus Francophone A well-known, interesting website in French by Yann Cochard.
2731 |
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Parco Botanico Ravino Parco botanico e Residence, a Ischia. Eventi, serate musicali, spettacoli, mostre ecc.
1215 |
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BotanicalParkGardenCactus Parco botanico di Cactus. La collezione è visitabile su prenotazione inviando una mail a gardencactus@outlook.it o telefonando al numero 3341228051.
1031 |
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Giardinaggio La rivista e il portale del Giardinaggio "Fai da te".
Ecco i link relativi ad alcune rubriche interne.
2317 |
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Cactus-Mall The most comprehensive list of succulent related addresses.
3134 |
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Archivio Cites Corpo forestale dello Stato
2313 |
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S.A.C.E. SACE South America Cactus Expeditions invites you to a unique driving experience in some of the most important sites for cacti in northern Argentina and Brazil.
2282 |
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Flora The distribution maps of Cactacee.
3860 |
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European minimum temperatures Climatic conditions in different geographic areas.
2516 |
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Botanical dictionary Botanical dictionary, in English, with thousands of terms.
2166 |
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Glossario di fitoiatria Glossario di fitoiatria, in italiano, con motore di ricerca interno.
2517 |
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Field number Cactus and Succulent Field Number Query
2625 |
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Authors of botanical names Data base containing the International Index of names of plants.
2746 |
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Bohemia cactus Server in Czech and English on cacti and succulents with news and over 300 links to personal pages.
2665 |
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Traduttore on-line Traduttore in grado di fornire un aiuto nella versione di testi elementari.
2206 |
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Huntington Garden The Huntington Botanical Gardens.
2007 |
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I.C.B.N. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
1866 |
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Fiori Il verde intorno a te. Come curare e mantenere belle le tue piante.
2835 |
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