Habitat: mainly plants of garden origin. There are hundreds of hybrids obtained by crossing Epiphyllum with Selenicereus, Echinopsis and so on.
Description: these plants, growing as epiphytes in the wild, generally have jointed, branched, flat stems resembling a leaf with undulate or sinuate margins. The diurnal, large, trumpet-like flowers with no spines along the tube may be of various colours. Formerly named Phyllocactus. Their bright colours are reminiscent of Nopalxochia. They are now within the genus Schlumbergera.
Soil: fertile mix.
Location: choose a bright site in indirect light. They enjoy humid conditions.
Temperature: the minimum temperature recommended is 10°C (50°F). It is best if the maximum temperature does not exceed 24°C (75°F). Too high winter temperatures encourage new growth to the detriment of flowering.
Water: the soil should never dry out completely, particularly during the growing season. Less water should be given in the winter; avoid waterlogging and calcareous water.
Cultivation tips: fertilize once every two weeks. For these plant to flower it is necessary that the growing period be quite long (starting at least from March) and the minimum temperature stay around 10°C (50°F). When the flower buds appear, apply a fertilizer rich in phosphorus, potassium and oligoelements with a low concentration of nitrogen. Water spray mist is beneficial. Propagation is from stem cuttings when flowering is over; it’s best to remove the segment at the joint. It only takes the plant two years or so to produce their first flowers. These are more abundant when the plants are grown in not too large containers.
Main species of Epiphyllum: Epiphyllum anguliger, syn. Phyllocactus, has fragrant flowers.
Epiphyllum chrysocardium; Epiphyllum crenatum; Epiphyllum oxypetalum; E. ruest.