Habitat: Andean ranges of Equador, Bolivia, Peru, between 1000 and 2300 metres (3300-7500 ft).
Description: a genus of columnar, sometimes tree-like cacti, covered with dense white hair that may hide the stem completely in order to protect it from the strong sunlight. During the summer, the nocturnal flowers arise from quite a long, vertical cephalium, borne along one side of the stem. This rarely happens in cultivated specimens.
Soil: basic mix.
Location: grow young plants in filtered light; full sun only when plants are five years old or more.
Temperature: the minimum temperature should stay around 6-8°C (43-46°F).
Water: average.
Cultivation tips: they are prone to rotting; propagate from seed or cuttings in the summer.
Main species of Espostoa: Espostoa lanata, fast-growing, can be grown outdoors in mild areas or overwintered in a greenhouse; Espostoa nana; E. churinensis; Espostoa ritteri; Espostoa huanucensis; Espostoa guentheri; E. laticornua; Espostoa melanostele; Espostoa senilis.