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Home Cactaceae D-H ferocactus
Cactus e Dintorni - Cactus Planet - ferocactus

Habitat: deserts of Mexico and southwestern United States: Texas, Arizona, California, New Mexico.
Description: a genus of plants variable in size, with robust, often hooked and sometimes colourful spines. The ribs are large and prominent. Diurnal, bell-shaped flowers appear near the apex of adult plants in the summer. They have synonyms in the genus Echinocactus  to which they once belonged.
Soil: basic mix.
Location: grow in full sun but to avoid sunburn they must be exposed gradually to the stronger light if overwintered indoors.
Temperature: they need a minimum temperature of 6°C (43°F).
Water: average; excessive water may cause rotting.
Cultivation tips: slow-growing but easy. Fertilizer must be applied in small quantities. Wash the plants if they show signs of sooty mould then treat with a systemic fungicide before the winter. Raise from seed.
Main species of Ferocactus: Ferocactus stainesii var. pilosus has red or orange flowers and tends to form clusters; it needs full sun and a moderate amount of humus in the soil; Ferocactus lindesayi, rare; Ferocactus herrerae, fast-growing, needs full sun; Ferocactus wislizeni; Ferocactus diguettii; Ferocactus emoryi, with a grayish-blue glow; Ferocactus hamatacanthus; Ferocactus latispinus; Ferocactus acanthodes; Ferocactus histrix. 

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Home Cactaceae D-H ferocactus

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