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Home Cactaceae I-N nopalxochia
Cactus e Dintorni - Cactus Planet - nopalxochia

Habitat: Mexico, Costa Rica.
Description: a group of plants resembling Epiphyllum that produce funnel-shaped, pink or red flowers. They are epiphytes and some are native to rainforests; the flattened or ribbon-like stems have crenate margins.
Soil: fertile mix; it thrives in humus-rich, peaty soil improved with some bone meal.
Location: choose a bright site in indirect light.
Temperature: ensure a minimum of 10-12°C (50-54°F).
Water: keep the soil moist during the summer; in the winter, water only to prevent them from shrivelling.
Cultivation tips: propagate from cuttings in the spring. During the growing season apply fertilizer once a week.
Main species of Nopalxochia: Nopalxochia phyllanthoides; Nopalxochia horichii.

Cactaceae I-N
nopalxochia phyllantoides
nopalxochia phyllantoides
nopalxochia phyllantoides1
nopalxochia phyllantoides1




Home Cactaceae I-N nopalxochia

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