Habitat: stony, arid regions of Mexico.
Description: a group of plants showing upright or climbing habit with slim, angular stems with few short spines. The nocturnal, long-tubed flowers may be fragrant. The taproot is large and conical.
There may be some synonyms in Wilcoxia.
Soil: basic mix.
Location: choose a very bright place.
Temperature: we recommend a minimum temperature of 8-10°C (46-50°F).
Water: less than average; the plant stores water in its caudex.
Cultivation tips: propagate from seed or cutting.
Main species of Peniocereus: Peniocereus jonstonii, syn. Cereus j.
Peniocereus maculatus; Peniocereus greggii; Peniocereus rosei, it spreads slowly over the nearby area but its habit is not as sprawling as that of Machaerocereus eruca; Peniocereus diguetii; Peniocereus viperinus; Peniocereus marianus, syn. Wilcoxia m.; Peniocereus greggii: with a sturdy root.