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Search Keyword lampranthus

Total: 13 results found.

1. Cultivation notes
... A These plants have vigorous growth if put outside in summer; overwinter indoors at +6°C (43°F) or so. Aptenia, Carpobrotus, Delosperma, Disphyma, Dorotheanthus, Drosanthemum, Erepsia, Lampranthus, ...
2. aizoaceae
(Phocagallery / aizoaceae)
... Eberlantia, Faucaria, Fenestraria, Frithia, Gibbaeum, Glottiphyllum, Hereroa, Lampranthus, Lapidaria, Lithops, Mestoklema, Monilaria, Opthalmophyllum, Oscularia, Pleiospilos, Rabiea, Rhinephyllum, Ruschia, ...
3. forme-florali-succulente: lampranthus_aff_martleyi
(Phocagallery / lampranthus_aff_martleyi)
lampranthus_aff_martleyi ...
Tuesday, 09 June 2009
4. forme-florali-succulente: lampranthus_coralliflorus
(Phocagallery / lampranthus_coralliflorus)
lampranthus_coralliflorus ...
Tuesday, 09 June 2009
...  Kedrostis Ladebouria Lampranthus Lapidaria Larryleachia Lavrania Lenophyllum  ...
Saturday, 15 May 2010
6. Tavola di coltivazione
...  Lampranthus       c c f ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
7. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... (Cucurbitaceae) - africana; hirtella; puniceus; KLEINIA (Compositae) - crist.; picticaulis; LAMPRANTHUS (Aizoaceae) - sp; LAPIDARIA (Aizoaceae) margarethae; LEWISIA (Portulacaceae) - ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
8. Cultivation notes
(Category - French (Fr))
... A These plants have vigorous growth if put outside in summer; overwinter indoors at +6°C (43°F) or so. Aptenia, Carpobrotus, Delosperma, Disphyma, Dorotheanthus, Drosanthemum, Erepsia, Lampranthus, ...
9. Enciclopedia delle succulente non cactacee
(Succulents/CD-ROM - Italian - Italy)
...  Kedrostis Ladebouria Lampranthus Lapidaria Larryleachia Lavrania Lenophyllum  ...
Saturday, 15 May 2010
10. Table of cultivation
(In-depth articles/Mesembs - French (Fr))
...  f f Lampranthus      ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
11. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... (Cucurbitaceae) - africana; hirtella; puniceus; KLEINIA (Compositae) - crist.; picticaulis; LAMPRANTHUS (Aizoaceae) - sp; LAPIDARIA (Aizoaceae) margarethae; LEWISIA (Portulacaceae) - ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
12. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... (Cucurbitaceae) - africana; hirtella; puniceus; KLEINIA (Compositae) - crist.; picticaulis; LAMPRANTHUS (Aizoaceae) - sp; LAPIDARIA (Aizoaceae) margarethae; LEWISIA (Portulacaceae) - ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
13. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
... (Cucurbitaceae) - africana; hirtella; puniceus; KLEINIA (Compositae) - crist.; picticaulis; LAMPRANTHUS (Aizoaceae) - sp; LAPIDARIA (Aizoaceae) margarethae; LEWISIA (Portulacaceae) - ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009

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