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Search Keyword neon

Total: 8 results found.

1. Sowing
... water, some boiled rain water, some others water obtained from reverse osmosis. Light: Some rely on natural light, others resort to neon lamps. Instead of a plastic bag you can also use clingwrap to ...
2. The greenhouse
... just a traditional hygrometer and a mercury min/max thermometer will serve the purpose. The lighting equipment normally requires a 40 watt-neon tube. It is advisable to set up a few electric sockets ...
... non permettono questa regolazione provvedendovi in automatico. f - Possibilità di procedere al bilanciamento del bianco qualunque sia la fonte di illuminazione: solare, a incandescenza, al neon. In ...
4. Il germinatoio
(Coltivazione/Le semine)
... Innanzi tutto l’installazione sul coperchio di due neon da 20 Watt forniti di riflettore, da tenere accesi per 13-15 ore al giorno: un programmatore (timer) provvederà alla bisogna. I vasetti dovranno ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
5. Sowing
(Category - English (United Kingdom))
... water, some boiled rain water, some others water obtained from reverse osmosis. Light: Some rely on natural light, others resort to neon lamps. Instead of a plastic bag you can also use clingwrap to ...
6. The greenhouse
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
... just a traditional hygrometer and a mercury min/max thermometer will serve the purpose. The lighting equipment normally requires a 40 watt-neon tube. It is advisable to set up a few electric sockets ...
7. La fotocamera digitale
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
... non permettono questa regolazione provvedendovi in automatico. f - Possibilità di procedere al bilanciamento del bianco qualunque sia la fonte di illuminazione: solare, a incandescenza, al neon. In ...
8. The propagator
(Cultivation guide/Sowing - Español(Spanish Formal International))
... First of all, they will have to install two 20-watt-neon lamps with reflector inside the propagator, cover and keep them switched on for 13 to 15 hours a day: a timer will do the job. The pots are to be ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009

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