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1. Cultivation notes
... mixed with lapillus and/or pumice (about 2-4 mm/0.8-1.6 inches in diameter); Suitable for Mesembryanthemums, Melocactus, Discocactus, Opuntias. Alternative Mineral Mix - 1 part of commercial mix ...
2. Sowing
... wih a low of 17°C (63°F) at night plus scarification2 for Opuntia, Tephrocactus, Grusonia, Adansonia, Manihot, Jatropha, Brachychiton. - 17°C (63°F) during the day, 11 hours of illumination; ...
3. The diseases
... to be prone to this infection, particularly the genera Opuntia, Echinopsis, Gymnocalycium, Cereus. So far researchers have never been able to isolate the pathogen responsible for such malformations. The ...
4. Subfamilies
... glochids. GENERA: Austrocylindropuntia, Brasiliopuntia, Consolea, Cumulopuntia, Cylindropuntia, Grusonia, Maihueniopsis, Miqueliopuntia, Opuntia, Pereskiopsis, Pterocactus, Quiabentia, Tacinga, Tephrocactus, ...
5. Accepted genera
...  Austrocylindropuntia Aztekium Bergerocactus Blossfeldia Brachycereus Brasilicereus  ...
6. aporocactus
(Phocagallery / aporocactus)
... in early spring. It is suitable for growing in hanging baskets. They must be allowed to have a period of rest. They’re particularly susceptible to mealy bugs. It can be grafted on Cereus or Opuntia. ...
7. eriosyce
(Phocagallery / eriosyce)
... Their extreme delicacy is the reason why they’re usually grafted on to Echinopsis multiplex, Cereus, Opuntia. Germinating seeds is also tricky, particularly so when they have been stored for some ...
8. opuntia
(Phocagallery / opuntia)
... with neither tube nor stalk (sessile). Some species have synonyms in the following genera: Puna, Austrocylindropuntia, Consolea, Corynopuntia, Nopalea, Marenopuntia. Soil: loose garden soil that may ...
9. pereskia
(Phocagallery / pereskia)
... grandifolia; Pereskia sacharosa. Note: PERESKIOPSIS has leaves very much like those of Pereskia but smaller, glochids and flowers resembling those of Opuntia; grafting of small plants, even of thirty-day-old ...
10. schlumbergera
(Phocagallery / schlumbergera)
... uniformly warm conditions. Feed from late summer to the beginning of Autumn. They will do best if grafted onto Pereskia, Opuntia or Cereus. Transplant after flowering only when plants are pot-bound. Do ...
11. blando: opuntia s rita
(Phocagallery / opuntia s rita)
opuntia s rita ...
Friday, 23 January 2009
12. varie: austrocylindropuntia clavarioides
(Phocagallery / austrocylindropuntia clavarioides)
austrocylindropuntia clavarioides ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
13. varie: brasilopuntia clavarioides
(Phocagallery / brasilopuntia clavarioides)
brasilopuntia clavarioides ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
14. varie: brasilopuntia salmiana
(Phocagallery / brasilopuntia salmiana)
brasilopuntia salmiana ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
15. varie: opuntia austrina
(Phocagallery / opuntia austrina)
opuntia austrina ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
16. varie: opuntia brasiliensis fiore
(Phocagallery / opuntia brasiliensis fiore)
opuntia brasiliensis fiore ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
17. varie: opuntia humifusa inermis
(Phocagallery / opuntia humifusa inermis)
opuntia humifusa inermis ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
18. varie: opuntia inamoena
(Phocagallery / opuntia inamoena)
opuntia inamoena ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
19. varie: austrocylindropuntia clavarioides
(Phocagallery / austrocylindropuntia clavarioides)
austrocylindropuntia clavarioides ...
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
20. varie: brasilopuntia clavarioides
(Phocagallery / brasilopuntia clavarioides)
brasilopuntia clavarioides ...
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
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