caudiciforms | Succulents Cactus e Dintorni: il sito per appassionati di Piante Grasse
Description: this is not a family but a grouping comprising plants from approximately forty families with the common feature of having a swollen stem or stem base (caudex) that can grow below the ground like a tuber and functions as a water storage organ. New leaves arise from the caudex each growing season to carry out photosynthesis and are shed when plants become dormant (dry season).
Soil: fertile mix.
Location: choose a bright site; dappled shade is preferable during the hot months.
Temperature: generally warm; keep the minimum between 13 and 16°C (55-61°F).
Water: during the growing season only; stop when the leaves begin to drop. Sprinkle little water from time to time if the soil gets too dry. Resume the normal watering schedule when they show signs of awakening.
Cultivation tips: the genera Kedrostis, Cyphostemma, Pelargonium, Nolina, Pachypodium, Dioscorea, Fouquieria, Cotyledon (dwarf) are generally easy. There is no precise period during which the plants grow. The caudex should stay above the ground to avoid the risk of rotting due to excess moisture; however, its growth is likely to be reduced as a result of this. Move outdoors during the warm months. Seedlings will not go dormant, therefore they must be watered regularly throughout the year.
Caudiciforms-Main genera/species: Nolinaceae: Calibanus, Nolina; Anacardiaceae: Pachycormus discolor; Apocynaceae: Pachypodium succulentum and bispinosum, Adenium obesum; Asclepiadaceae: Ceropegia woodii, Fockea crispa, Brachystelma barberae; Burseraceae: Bursera; Asteraceae: Othonna; Convolvulaceae: Ipomoea bolusiana; Cucurbitaceae: Cephalopentandra, Gerrardanthus, Xerosicyos, Kedrostis, Dendrosicyos, Zigosicyos; Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea; Euphorbiaceae: E. cylindrifolia, E. tuberosa, E. trichadenia, Monadenium, Jatropha; Fouquieriaceae: Fouquieria; Geraniaceae: Pelargonium rapaceum; Moraceae: Dorstenia, Ficus; Nolinaceae:Calibanus, Nolina; Oxalidaceae: Oxalis; Passifloraceae: Adenia; Pedaliaceae: Pterodiscus; Portulacaceae: Talinum, Anacampseros alstonii, Avonia; Vitaceae: Cyphostemma.