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Search Keyword ferocactus

Total: 71 results found.

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1. Sowing
... Aloe, Agave, Adenium, Anacampseros, Ariocarpus, Astrophytum, Caralluma, Coryphantha, Discocatus, Echinocereus, Echinomastus, Epithelantha, Escobaria, Euphorbia, Ferocactus, Frailea, Gymnocactus, Melocactus, ...
2. The diseases
...  SPOTS CAUSED BY SEPTORIOSIS and ANTHRACNOSIS. The fungi Septoria cacticola, Ascochyta opuntiae and Colletotrichum are known to attack mainly Euphorbia, Opuntia, Cereus, Echinocactus, Ferocactus, Agave ...
3. Subfamilies
... Cochemiea, Coryphantha, Echinocactus, Echinomastus, Epithelantha, Escobaria, Ferocactus, Geohintonia, Leuchtenbergia, Lophophora, Mammillaria, Mammilloydia, Neolloydia, Obregonia, Ortegocactus, Pediocactus, ...
4. Accepted genera
...  Ferocactus Frailea Geohintonia Grusonia Gymnocalycium Haageocereus  ...
5. Cultural practices
... completely lacking in chlorophyll, that needs to be grafted to survive. A partial variegation is commonly seen in Ferocactus wislizenii. A great number of variegated plants are produced in Japan by exposing ...
6. ferocactus
(Phocagallery / ferocactus)
... with a systemic fungicide before the winter. Raise from seed. Main species of Ferocactus: Ferocactus stainesii var. pilosus has red or orange flowers and tends to form clusters; it needs full sun and ...
7. thelocactus
(Phocagallery / thelocactus)
... The large, diurnal flowers arise from the areoles during the warm months. The stem colour may be from green to ligh gray. Formerly classified as Echinocatus, they are similar to Ferocactus. Soil: 20% ...
8. sciara1: ferocactus in fiore
(Phocagallery / ferocactus in fiore)
ferocactus in fiore ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
9. sciara2: ferocactus wislizenei crest
(Phocagallery / ferocactus wislizenei crest)
ferocactus wislizenei crest ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
10. sciara3: ferocactus acanthodes
(Phocagallery / ferocactus acanthodes)
ferocactus acanthodes ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
11. sciara3: ferocactus wislizenii gigante
(Phocagallery / ferocactus wislizenii gigante)
ferocactus wislizenii gigante ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
12. varie: ferocactus acanthodes rostii
(Phocagallery / ferocactus acanthodes rostii)
ferocactus acanthodes rostii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
13. varie: ferocactus brevispinus monstr
(Phocagallery / ferocactus brevispinus monstr)
ferocactus brevispinus monstr ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
14. varie: ferocactus covillei1
(Phocagallery / ferocactus covillei1)
ferocactus covillei1 ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
15. varie: ferocactus diguetii carmenensis
(Phocagallery / ferocactus diguetii carmenensis)
ferocactus diguetii carmenensis ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
16. varie: ferocactus echidne rafaelensis
(Phocagallery / ferocactus echidne rafaelensis)
ferocactus echidne rafaelensis ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
17. varie: ferocactus flavovirens
(Phocagallery / ferocactus flavovirens)
ferocactus flavovirens ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
18. varie: ferocactus fordii
(Phocagallery / ferocactus fordii)
ferocactus fordii ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
19. varie: ferocactus glaucescens1
(Phocagallery / ferocactus glaucescens1)
ferocactus glaucescens1 ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
20. varie: ferocactus hamatacanthus sinuatus
(Phocagallery / ferocactus hamatacanthus sinuatus)
ferocactus hamatacanthus sinuatus ...
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
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