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Total: 12 results found.

1. bombacaceae
(Phocagallery / bombacaceae)
Habitat: tropical sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Asia, some islands across the Indian Ocean, Australia, America. Description: Dicotyledonous plants that grow into large trees with tender wood and often ...
2. burseraceae
(Phocagallery / burseraceae)
Habitat: the Tropics. Description: this group embraces dicotyledonous, deciduous plants that grow into shrubs or trees; they are related to the Rutaceae and produce resins and oils. The leaves are alternate ...
3. convolvulaceae
(Phocagallery / convolvulaceae)
Habitat: India, South Africa,Transvaal region, Namibia. Description: these woody or herbaceous plants often show a climbing habit and may contain latex. They generally have a large rhizome or caudex. ...
4. crassulaceae
(Phocagallery / crassulaceae)
Subfamilies: CRASSULOIDEAE, SEDOIDEAE, COTYLEDONOIDEAE, KALANCHOIDEAE, ECHEVERIOIDEAE, SEMPERVIVOIDEAE. According to some botanists only two of them are to be considered subfamilies:the Crassuloideae and ...
5. rubiaceae
(Phocagallery / rubiaceae)
Habitat: the Tropics. Description: a family of dicotyledonous plants, either woody or herbaceous, with sessile leaves and hermaphrodite flowers, usually arranged in panicles. The fruit is a capsule, ...
6. Il germinatoio
(Coltivazione/Le semine)
...     - Materiale: vetro dello spessore di 4 - 5 mm. (anche di recupero), oppure legno; per il coperchio si può far uso di plexiglas, di perspex, o più semplicemente di un foglio di film platico ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
7. Lithops
... semi sono contenuti in capsule legnose a 5 o 7 logge, e continuano a maturare fino a marzo dell'anno successivo, allorché sono pronti a germinare. Alla base della coppia di foglie si trova l'apice vegetativo ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
8. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009
9. The greenhouse
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
or how to make a dream come true In order to succeed in this task you need a certain aptitude for DIY; otherwise I suggest you seek help from a skilful friend willing to give you a hand.  ...
10. How they live
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
Growth factors The elements that determine plant development (heat, water, light, nourishment) are strictly interdependent: if one of them increases, also the others must increase, and vice versa, of ...
11. Cacti e Fotografia
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
... telaio in legno o incollato su di un foglio di polistirolo. A volte si presta assai bene un cartoncino formato cm. 70 x 100 appoggiato per metà ad una parete e per metà ad un tavolo, con sopra la pianta, ...
12. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009

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