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1. aizoaceae
(Phocagallery / aizoaceae)
Habitat: mainly South Africa although they also occur in Madagascar, Horn of Africa, Arabian peninsula, Island of Elba, Australia and New Zealand. Description:  the Aizoaceae (Rudolphi) family of ...
2. asclepiadaceae
(Phocagallery / asclepiadaceae)
Tribes: PERIPLOCEAE, CYNANCHEAE, MARSDENIEA, CEROPEGIEAE, STAPELIEAE. Habitat: they occur in a wide range of climates, from temperate to subtropical or tropical regions and even deserts; semi-arid regions ...
3. caudiciforms
(Phocagallery / caudiciformi)
Habitat: Africa, Australia, Socotra, Central and South America, Mexico, Baja California, California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas. Description: this is ...
4. euphorbiaceae
(Phocagallery / euphorbiaceae)
Habitat: the family is distributed across warm temperate, subtropical and tropical areas occurring in Central and Austral Africa, Madagascar, the Canary Islands, Ethiopia, Zambia, with a few species growing ...
5. geraniaceae
(Phocagallery / geraniaceae)
Habitat: nearly all the species are from South Africa. Description: a family of dicotyledonous, herbaceous plants. The leaves are normally opposite, palmate-veined, sometimes covered in soft hairs. ...
6. heliocereus
(Phocagallery / heliocereus)
Habitat: Guatemala, Mexico. Description: cacti with slender, branched, sometimes dentate stems, that may produce flexuous runners. They flower reliably once reached maturity. The funnel-shaped, large, ...
7. Succulents
(Phocagallery / Succulente)
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Since this website has already reached a considerable size, due to the many photo galleries and the development of different language versions, providing extensive information ...
8. F.A.Q.
('Uncategorised Content')
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here beginners can find answers to their most frequently asked questions: 1 – Some of my succulents never set seed. Why is that so? 2 – How can I get my cacti to ...
Monday, 12 January 2009
9. Tavola di coltivazione
  c  periodo di crescita           f  periodo di crescita e fioritura        periodo di stasi  ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
10. Lithops
... il processo fotosintetico. Durante il periodo di riposo molte specie si ritirano a livello del terreno mimetizzandosi con esso,  rappresentando così un tipico esempio di adattamento all'ambiente. ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
11. Temperature Minime Invernali
(Coltivazione/Minime invernali)
I CACTI D'INVERNO Nel periodo invernale i cacti vanno messi nella condizione di riposare, in quanto nel loro habitat naturale devono affrontare condizioni estreme, per cui hanno posto in essere particolari ...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
12. Our publications
('Uncategorised Content')
...  7.6 - LOTTA BIOLOGICA E RIMEDI NATURALI 7.7 - L'ENDOTERAPIA (lotta a basso impatto ambientale) CAPITOLO 8 – LE SEMINE 8.1 – PERIODO 8.2 – SUBSTRATO 8.3 –CONDIZIONI ...
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
13. The habitats
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
The highest concentration of succulents is found at a latitude between 40° north and 40° South of the Equator. Some, however, may also occur as far north as the 56th parallel while the southernmost ...
14. Cultivation notes
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
SOIL MIXES - BASIC MIX (suitable for the majority of cacti and other succulents) - 3 parts of field or garden soil with some sand or tuff; - 2 parts of humus (leaf mould or soil for acid-loving ...
15. Sowing
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
The hopes, pleasures and disappointments of every aspiring succulent grower The following article is the summation of all the information patiently gathered from many enthusiasts’ personal experiences ...
16. The diseases
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
AUTHOR’S DISCLAIMER The author of this website declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from use or misuse of the following information or from improper manipulation and application of the ...
17. Epiphytic cacti
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
18. Mesembs
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
  MESEMBS  by Mario Cecarini Mesembryanthemums (Livingstone daisies), once classified in a family of their own (Mesembryanthemaceae), have now been assigned to the wider family of Aizoaceae ...
19. Astrophytum
(Category - Italian - Italy)
      by Mario Cecarini   ASTROPHYTUM Lemaire 1839   Historical notes    Astrophytums, whose name is derived from Greek ‘aster’ (star) and ...
20. Cultural practices
(Category - Español(Spanish Formal International))
A compendium with tips, strategies, suggestions based on personal experience SOIL The soil consists of weathered rocks, organic matter, water, gases and is the result of chemical, physical and biological ...
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