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1. The habitats
The highest concentration of succulents is found at a latitude between 40° north and 40° South of the Equator. Some, however, may also occur as far north as the 56th parallel while the southernmost ...
2. Cultivation notes
SOIL MIXES - BASIC MIX (suitable for the majority of cacti and other succulents) - 3 parts of field or garden soil with some sand or tuff; - 2 parts of humus (leaf mould or soil for acid-loving ...
3. Sowing
The hopes, pleasures and disappointments of every aspiring succulent grower The following article is the summation of all the information patiently gathered from many enthusiasts’ personal experiences ...
4. The greenhouse
... For example, 10-12°C (50-54°F) for the most delicate succulents; 4-6°C (39-43°F) for the majority of cacti; 0-3°C (32-37°F) for hardier species. Obviously, the heater will be placed ...
5. The diseases
... is probably the most dreaded and widespread fungal disease to hit succulents and is caused by Helminthosporium cactivorum (Drechslera cactivora). In young plants it gives rise to brown rot and leads rapidly ...
6. aizoaceae
(Phocagallery / aizoaceae)
... naturally from sea level to 3000 metres (9800 ft). The succulent leaves can vary greatly in shape. The showy, long-lasting flowers are actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, tetramerous or pentamerous and have ...
7. anacardiaceae
(Phocagallery / anacardiaceae)
... monosexual and the fruit is similar to a drupe. Only two of the genera within the family are deemed to be succulents. Soil: mineral mix. Location: filtered light. Temperature: minimum temperature ...
8. apocynaceae
(Phocagallery / apocynaceae)
Habitat: those genera including succulents are distributed in the tropics, the Horn of Africa, Madagascar, Socotra, East and South-West Africa. Description: this large family of dicotyledonous plants ...
9. asclepiadaceae
(Phocagallery / asclepiadaceae)
... which approximately are succulents) mainly leafless, with a shrub-like form, quite beautiful and sometimes bizarre. The inflorescences (sometimes racemes) bear hermaphrodite, pentamerous flowers with a ...
10. asteraceae (compositae)
(Phocagallery / asteraceae)
Habitat: the succulent species occur in South Africa, the Canary Islands, South Arabia, India, Madagascar. Description: the family includes dicotyledonous plants that may store water in the leaves, ...
11. caudiciforms
(Phocagallery / caudiciformi)
... must be watered regularly throughout the year. Caudiciforms-Main genera/species: Nolinaceae: Calibanus, Nolina; Anacardiaceae: Pachycormus discolor; Apocynaceae: Pachypodium succulentum and bispinosum, ...
12. commelinaceae
(Phocagallery / commelinaceae)
Habitat: the Tropics. Description: a family of monocotyledonous plants with succulent leaves, many of which are sprawling or climbing. The flowers consist of three petals and three sepals and the fruits ...
13. crassulaceae
(Phocagallery / crassulaceae)
... with a succulent stem grow during the winter and rest in the summer so they need a bright site and not too low winter temperatures while they should be kept dry during the warm months. Herbaceous species ...
14. cucurbitaceae
(Phocagallery / cucurbitaceae)
... some of which are succulent and some others have a caudex (Madagascar). A few species are dioecious. Soil: basic mix. Location: full sun to partial shade. Temperature: minimum temperature of 12-15°C ...
15. cutura
(Phocagallery / cutura)
Courtesy of Dr. Cezzi owner of the botanical garden "La Cutura"
16. didiereaceae
(Phocagallery / didiereaceae)
Habitat: Madagascar. Description: the family includes spiny shrubs or trees with succulent stems, fleshy small leaves and flowers arranged in inflorescences. Soil: basic mix. Location: choose a bright ...
17. euphorbiaceae
(Phocagallery / euphorbiaceae)
... There are approximately 300 genera and one thousand species, succulent or semi-succulent; they can be spiny and look like cacti but are distinguished by the lack of areoles. They come in various forms, ...
18. succulent flower forms
(Phocagallery / forme-florali-succulente)
Presented here are the many different flower forms of succulents; we wish this may help you identify your plant genus and species.   VISIT THE FAMILIES OF SUCCULENTS  ...
19. photoreport
(Phocagallery / fotoreportage)
Here we present some photos from nurseries, botanical gardens, exhibitions, private collections.
20. geraniaceae
(Phocagallery / geraniaceae)
... minimum) although succulent species are more delicate (10°C/50°F). Water: stop when plants start shedding leaves and keep them dry during rest. Cultivation tips: normally the new growth appears ...
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